Teacher Meetings & Programs

We regularly meet at the First Congregational Church in Crystal Lake on the second Wednesday of each month during the school year. Our business meetings begin at 9:00 AM, and our teacher-focused programs start at approximately 10:15 AM.

(Note: We also hold a special luncheon in May and a planning meeting in June.)



Program Info

Wed, Sept 13, 2023

9:00 AM Business Meeting

~10:15 AM Program

  First Cong Church, Crystal Lake

One studio, one song

Presented by Renae Schlossmann

Wed, Oct 11, 2023

9:00 AM Business Meeting

~10:15 AM Program

  Beverly Taylor’s home studio

Encore Music Academy

studio crawl, part I

We’ll start with our business meeting at Beverly Taylor’s home, and then she’ll give us a tour of her studio space. Then we’ll head over to Encore Music Academy where Tom Vos will give us a tour of their new location, as well as share how he likes to organize his dedicated teaching space.

Wed, nov 8, 2023

9:00 AM Business Meeting

~10:15 AM Program

  First Cong Church, Crystal Lake

student savers

A panel discussion.

Wed, jan 10, 2024

9:00 AM Business Meeting

~10:15 AM Program

  First Cong Church, Crystal Lake

bal-a-vis-x presentation, questions from a hat 

Renae will give a short presentation on the Bal-A-Vis-X program to aid in our plans for a possible community teacher training in June. Then we will follow with a round table discussion regarding questions our members have submitted.

Wed, Feb 14, 2024

9:00 AM Business Meeting

~10:15 AM Program

  First Cong Church, Crystal Lake

Note reading games

A panel presentation.

Wed, MAR 13, 2024

9:00 AM Business Meeting

~10:15 AM Program

  Holly O’Hair’s home studio

  Nicole Douglas’s home studio

studio crawl, part II

We’ll start with our business meeting at Holly O’Hair’s home, and then she’ll give us a tour of her studio space. Then we’ll head over to Nicole Douglas’s home studio to see how she organizes her teaching area.

Wed, apr 10, 2024

9:00 AM Business Meeting

~10:15 AM Program

  First Cong Church, Crystal Lake

book club: intelligent Music Teaching

Continuing the tradition we started last year to read one music-teaching themed book as a group, we’ll read and discuss Robert Duke’s Intelligent Music Teaching: Essays on the Core Principles of Effective Instruction.

Wed, May 8, 2024

11:00 AM Business Meeting

12:00 PM Luncheon

  Boulder Ridge Country Club, LITH

annual luncheon, installation of officers

At our final meeting of the school year, we’ll discuss how things went, what’s coming up, and install any new officers set to begin their terms for the next academic year.